As a girl
from Southern California weather is not something I used
to spend much time thinking about. I
have frequently had people point out that this is because there is no weather
in So. Cal. Not so, is my usually response. We have June Gloom, in you guessed it June,
summer is hot but as I grew up less than 15 min from the beach not overly
so. The fire season is in October, I
have been told this does not count but I can assure you it does, and the season
of mud is in February when the rein causes the hillsides that burned in October
to turn into mud and slide down into people’s living rooms. In general however the area where I grew up
usually keeps temps in a 40˚ range between a very cold 55˚ to a very warm 90˚
so coming to Pittsburgh one would
expect quite a shock.
The lack of weather was my husbands
biggest complaint about CA; followed closely by traffic which we wont discuss,
lets just say the Pittsburghers idea of traffic is laughable. Now I did come to Pittsburgh
after spending 3 years in Kalamazoo Michigan
which falls directly in the Snow Belt getting the lake effect off Lake
Michigan so, I wasn’t as completely ignorant as some who saw my shinny
red mustang with CA plates might have assumed.
However moving to western PA has definitely opened up the weather possibilities. I had always thought that the three month division
of seasons was just for convenience but here is a place where the seasons
really do stick to being around for 3 months.
So by the time you are ready to move on to the next one it’s already
here. There are of course exceptions to
every rule, the heaviest single day snow fall was in March 1993 when 23.6” were recorded, and I believe this
was an actual blizzard. Now in full
swing and today and tomorrow are going to see 100˚ temps. I feel kind of bad for my mom who is landing
in Pittsburgh in a few hours
leaving behind 60˚ temps but oh well it is going to cool off.
My uncle, when he was studying in
Madison Wisconsin, once said in the summer he didn’t care how cold it got as
long as it was cooler than this and in the winter he didn’t care how hot it got
as long as it was warmer than this. Pittsburgh
can be like this too but extreme 100˚ heat and sub zero temps don’t usually
last too long so just staying inside in a temperature controlled space is
pretty easy to accomplish. If there is
something I find amazing is the precipitation.
The amount of water, in all its possible forms, is simply
staggering. I grow up in a desert
remember. The act that my lawn doesn’t
have and doesn’t need sprinkles is not often believed by my family in CA. I can remember my mom diligently going out at
night to turn the sprinklers on and off in the dark, sometimes as much as three
times a week. My parent’s yard is quite
large for their neighborhood so he had to water the lawn in sections. But you have to shovel snow I can hear them
say. Yes this is true, however I think
all last winter my husband had to shovel less than 10 times and I only shoveled
once. I try to help out but mostly he
does it. The fact is regardless of
season we get some kind of H2O falling from the sky every week. Some times there are light gentle soaking
rains that water your plants nicely and other times we get violent thunder storms
with rain so hard you can’t see across the street and thunder so loud it shakes
the house. I confess I still can not
sleep through a loud thunder storm. When
lightning momentarily turns a dark night into day and thunder cracks so loud it
sounds like a gun went off by you ear there is not sleeping, for me that is my
husband usually only knows there was a storm because I told him about it he
next day. There is one real weather
situation we have that truly frightens me and that is Ice. Now I fully acknowledge that this is because
at the end of last winter I hit a patch of lack ice going down a hill and
around a curve, it’s Pittsburgh if
you are not going up you are going down the flat strait road is rare, and slid
into an oncoming car. But these things
happen and you can’t let that stop you.
Everyone was ok except of course my believed mustang that that is what
matters, so I am told. I do like my new
even get some truly weird weather like thunder and lightning while it’s snowing
or poring rain in the sunshine. These
are the types of weather I describe to people in CA and I am pretty sure they
don’t believe me but I promos I have personally experienced these events. They do happen. The nice thing about Pittsburgh
is no matter the weather it won’t stay too long so you don’t get bored with
it. We don’t still have piles of snow in
May or endless days of 100˚ temps. If
you like variety Pittsburgh is the
place for you.
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